I spent a lovely day in my garden.
The long range forecast is calling for rain from Friday through Sunday, so I wanted to get as much done as I could in the next two days.
I finished up with the front garden yesterday and as you can see, the alliums are in bloom!

I began in the back this morning.
I tend to clip back most of my perennials in the fall, but some are left up for winter interest and to provide seeds for the birds.
I also have spots where the grass grows long and becomes rather unsightly.
Jada loves long grass and in her mind I grow that grass so she can have snack whenever she wants!
So, I started at the back of the garden, weeding out the grass and dandelions from the garden beds.
My two dogwood bushes didn’t fare too well over the winter and and quite a bit of pruning had to happen.
I mulched this back bed last year, and, because of it’s slope, most of the mulch ended up at the bottom.
What to do?
A while back Henry brought home two wooden pallet sized boxes full of different types of stone.
A local stone company that installs things like slate/ granite counter tops and stone facing for the outside of houses was cleaning out their warehouse and told Henry if he wanted he could have what ever they threw out!
A long slate counter top was one of the items .
They hadn’t been able to fit it into the dumpster so the broke it into smaller pieces!
Can you imagine!!
Today I used those pieces to edge the back part of the garden bed as well as using some of the bigger pieces for stepping stones.
It looks pretty good!
The plan was to get back to work after supper.
The thunderstorm however, brought rain with it and I’ve had to change my plans somewhat so. . .
I’ll be giving my kitchen some much needed attention. (I was seriously contemplating Styrofoam dishes for this week!)
And I do believe. . .
I’m going to bake a coffee cake before I go to bed!