I am so sorry that I didn’t have my camera with me on my walk with Jada this morning!
It was a glorious morning and desperately needed after yesterday.
Bundled up for our walk yesterday, we (okay I!) struggled against 30-50km (18-31 miles) per hour winds and a – 9C (15.8F) temperature.
Ugh! That was a very short walk.
This morning was a total flip. The air was still and the temperature hovered around 0C.
It snowed overnight, blanketing the ground and it lay glittering in the pale winter sun.
Oh to be a photographer!
We had such a long, peaceful walk this morning, Jada and I. . .
Mind you the huge moose we saw in some one’s back yard kind of threw me. . .
Especially when we got closer and saw that it wasn’t real!
Of course peaceful doesn’t really cut it with Jada, so we had a rousing game of Frisbee before we went in for breakfast.
What a lovely way to start the weekend.