I had big plans yesterday afternoon.
6 pounds of butter softening on the counter, eggs coming to room temperature and a new 20 kg bag of flour resting on the island. I was going to bake up a storm.
First things first though. It was time to make a little strawberry jam. I wasn’t able to pick strawberries last year because of my leg but I was able to get just enough local berries to make a small batch of jam. As usual I ran out of time and just threw them in the freezer.
I had taken them out to be thawed on Monday and it was now or never.
The smell when I unzipped the bag!!
It was summer in January. Pure bliss.
I made 3 jars of freezer jam in no time flat.

After all that work though, I needed to take a bit of a break. I made myself a nice cup of tea, snuggled into my comfy chair and basked in the sun streaming through the window.
I woke up a couple of hours later to discover Jada and I had shared this peaceful afternoon. Me snoozing in my chair and she in hers.

Oh well, there’s always tomorrow. . . ( and not to worry Cindy, I’ll be posting a recipe for the Monkey Bread next week. ;D )