It’s Saturday afternoon and I have done everything but bake and decorate!
It’s been an enjoyable day none the less.
Little Women (the 1994 version) was on late last night and I didn’t get to bed until one in the morning.
I slept in until 8:45, had a leisurely breakfast, did a little tidying, went out for lunch with Morgan, did a little shopping together and then brought Jesse to the Credit Union to do some banking.
The Credit Union is a great place to go as it is right beside one of my favorite garden centers.
Every time I visit I’m inspired and I rarely leave without at least a little something. (Today was no exception)
I’m going to give you a quick sneak peak today and then feature them on Monday’s post.
As a matter of fact, you will be seeing images from Wellington Garden Centre all through the Christmas season.
You wouldn’t believe how many pictures I took and those were just the tip of the iceberg!
I hope to take you on a tour again in the spring.
Enjoy your sneak peak!
