I went to Greenland garden center last week to see if it would be a good place to take engagement photos.
I, of course, figured I might as well make it a bit of an adventure and asked my sister-in-law Evelyn to come with me. She’s an avid gardener too.
There are days I really miss having my sisters close by and I really appreciate having sisters-in-law to go on little winter outings with me.
We pulled up into the parking lot after we’d finally managed to navigate all the crazy road work, talking about everything under the sun. It was the perfect start to the perfect day.
I hadn’t been to the garden center for a few years and I was blown away when we walked in. It was such a lovely place to spend a chilly winter day, eating lunch, and getting inspired for the up coming garden season. It turns out it’s going to be great for engagement photos as well! Whoo Hoo!
Rather than ramble on about our visit I’m just going to let you enjoy it in pictures . . .
Spring will come again!