When Henry and I first decided that it was time for me to retire from bus driving, I imagined long leisurely days, baking, reading, trying out new recipes and quiet rambles with Jada. What I actually ended up with was life in the fast lane. I have a ton of blog posts backed up in my brain and hardly a minute to put pen to paper ( figuratively speaking of course!) My sister Lisa phoned to chat for a bit this morning and asked what I was going to do today. Blog of course. However, after we said goodbye I checked my e-mail and discovered that my favorite online print company has an amazing one day offer which meant I will be spending several hours designing an assortment of items they are offering for free. On top of that, if I spend $40 shipping is free as well. So I have spent a good while designing a gardening calender using my own photos. They usually cost $20 each but they are offering them for only $4.
These are the pictures I plan to use on my calenders
That will make either great Christmas gifts or useful giveaways when I. . . .
Oh wait! I haven’t posted about what I’ve been up to yet! That will just have to wait!
In the meantime I thought I would let you see what Morgan thought would be appropriate to write on my inspiration board after he complained that my Teddy Roosevelt quote was way too long. . .

The odd thing is that most of this is true. . . Aside from the crack about me eating turtles of course. . .I don’t know where he got that from! Oma had a good laugh about this one!