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Bloggers create

Writer: Rosa VeldkampRosa Veldkamp

This is my blogging space.

My sweet husband Henry made me an eight foot long table to blog at.

Actually he made me this table to work on garden designing, but hey, we work with what we have right?

I have my books right beside me.

Reading was my first and only hobby for years. It used to drive my socially inclined mother crazy. She could never understand why I would choose to read a really good book over playing with the kids in the neighbour hood!

I still read for pleasure but I also love to read and learn. I have a rather large collection of gardening books.

I’m also finding that I need order to create as I get older. I’m rather messy by nature and when I’m in the midst of a project the house will be in an uproar but when I’m ready to start something new, I have to have a clean and tidy home.

I keep many thing organized in my closet.

Here I store my garden design tools, sewing machine and fabric, scrap booking items, and office supplies.

The nice thing about putting it in a closet is the ability to close the door.

This is my favorite chair. It was shockingly expensive even though it was 75% off!

I have never regretted it. I couldn’t bring myself to sit on it for six months, but I never regretted it!

This is a great place to sit and dream, read, and eat the taziki with sesame za’atar purchased at the farmers market. (a great place for inspiration!)

What is behind my chair you ask?

Well . . .

This is where I store things that don’t have a space, recharge batteries and/or thaw seed mix in late winter.

This is, after all, a room where things happen.

The shelves, which hold baskets and decorative items most of the year, grow seedlings in spring.

I do share a little of my space with Henry, allowing him this small closet to store his hunting and fishing gear ( his gun, by law is locked up in this old metal school locker.)

But the one closet is all he gets!

Nicest of all (for a gardener) is the fact that my room opens out onto our covered deck and looks into my garden.

What could be more inspiring than that?

Sitting in my garden.



Copyright 2008-2024 ~  Rosa Veldkamp

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