Of all the things I assumed I would not be able to do after my surgery, blogging was not one of them!
After Morgan and Jesse bought me my tablet, I was positive blogging from my chair would be a breeze. . .
Who knew how hard it would be to type on a tiny touch screen, or that I couldn’t load my pictures onto the tablet?
Who knew that I would be able to put my own socks on long before I would be able to sit at a desk for more than a minute or two?
However. . . It’s finally happened.
I am once again able to sit at my desk for an hour or so without serious discomfort. Whoo Hoo!
So people. . .
I’m back to regular blogging. I won’t promise a post everyday because I still poop out by early afternoon but . . . if I don’t start writing some of the posts swimming around in my brain my head is likely to explode! How am I doing these days??? My drain has been out for just over a month now and I am happy to report that it hasn’t caused problems at all.
I went to the lymphodema clinic twice a week for nearly three weeks, first learning how to do the lymph massages for myself and then getting regular massages from the therapists. At my last visit I was told that I may have escaped lymphodema (for now) and I am to visit again at the end of this month for further assessments. I still massage at the end of the day and wear compression bike shorts at all times but there is a possibility that it might not be forever. (And even if it was. . . if that was the worst of it. . . I would be incredibly thankful!!)
I can now do the stairs normally at least once in the day and my leg bends a little further every day. Still can’t bend down too far or sit on the ground but . . . everything in good time.
I have been getting out and about, baking, crafting, taking pictures and even doing the laundry again. A fact that thrills Henry to no end.
Housekeeping is not his forte.
Mine either . . .
See you all on Monday!
Jada LOVES it when I bake.