I thought my post today would be about all the Christmas baking I did on Saturday. I had my house spic and span (for the most part) and ready to go Friday night so I could get right to it on Saturday morning.
I woke Saturday morning and discovered as I walked down to the basement and dragged myself back up that my asthma had chosen that day to flare up.
For crying out loud! NOW? I do not have time for this.
I have discovered over the years however, that a strong will cannot overcome everything.
I spent most of the day resting. I felt better by the evening but the desire to bake had passed.
I did however clean and sort the last bit of the house that was still in chaos from renovating the bathrooms. Getting through the hallways downstairs was a challenge! Poor Morgan never knew what he might trip over while making a late night trip to the bathroom. Now, the whole house is ready for anything.
I’m still feeling under the weather and have napped most of the day.
I did visit the doctor this morning for both my flu shot and the last hepatitis booster.
The doctor is right next to Micheal’s.
Need I say more? (Of course these cookie cutters were on sale!)

As soon as time and health permit I will be making up lots and lots of cutout cookies.

Aren’t theses the cutest cookie cutters?
What are you doing to get ready for the holidays?