I was in bed last night (Friday) before I realized that I hadn’t blogged.
I’ve been dog sitting Jada’s friend Diesel, doing all the things you do to keep a household running smoothly . . . (not) . . . and working on giant rhubarb leaf sculptures.

I had offers of rhubarb after mine was destroyed in a hail storm but in the end found some beautiful stuff down the street. (Still hoping to get hosta leaves though . . .)
These giant ones though take up a lot of time, energy and concrete. I ended up having to go out and buy a more powerful drill to hook up to my blender tool as the one I had kept smoking! Very disconcerting . . .
I hope to get at least four large ones made although I’m aiming for five. The biggest problem with that is though, that each leaf takes up an entire table and has to stay there for two days rather than one. As I only have two tables and each leaf takes several hours to make it’s rather slow going. (Real life stuff getting in the way isn’t helping much either. (dishes . . . laundry . . . supper . . . sigh.)
But IT is sooo much fun! There is nothing like unmolding my newest leaf and seeing all the detail captured in concrete.
It’s an odd thing, but whenever I focus in on detail or the small things in life whether it’s through concrete, photography, writing or just plain living those moments, I feel the Lord right there beside me, showing me the wonder of his creation and the vastness of his love for us. God really is in the detail and I’ve come to realize that those details are what I really have a passion for regardless of the way in which I experience them. It is through those details that I am coming to know Him more and more each day.
It gives me the shivers.
Now I’m off to make more leaves. I’m not sure I’ll be posting Monday, it will depend on how far I get but Tamara and I will both be here on Tuesday for our new Travel Tuesdays link ups.
And because we love a good party, even a virtual one, we have a little something extra planned to allow more people to join in the fun!
See you tomorrow!