I was going to post a picture of me drawing the winner’s name out of my garden hat.
But I just had to post these pictures instead.
Can you believe it?
These were taken yesterday afternoon.
The snow has doubled since then and we are under a winter storm warning.
This morning’s bus run was pretty nerve wracking once I got to the highway, as it was sheer ice.
There were cars in the ditch and a small bus had rolled over.
Thankfully the Lord was watching over us and we all made it to school safely.
We will leave an hour early this afternoon to avoid traffic.

And now. . .
The winner of the 100Th post contest is. . .
Brenda of thebrendablog http://thebrendablog.typepad.com/!
Congratulations Brenda!
Make your selections from ‘rubitin’ http://rubitin.etsy.com/and e-mail me ( middleagedgardener@live.com ) with your choices and address and I will do my best to get it in the mail this week!