Well it is close to midnight and I don’t have long to get this entry into Tamara’s Great Poinsettia Challenge so I am going to work as fast as I can to get this post done.
It will be heavy on the pictures and light on words.
The artificial poinsettia’s I used came from a thrift store for next to nothing.
The real ones came from a big box store, although not our favorite big box store. . . (sorry Tam!) My house is quite small (less than 1000 square feet) and I wanted the very small poinsettias so I could spread them around a bit. I spent just under $18.
Every thing else I used was stuff I already had.
Except the Yoda lights on the tree.
As most of you know that was contributed by the boys. . .
Enjoy the show. . .
This is our side entry. As I don’t have a fancy banister to decorate, I decided to do this instead.

The tree had lights, ribbon and a bunch of Yoda’s. Clearly it needed poinsettias as well.

Next came the ornaments. Henry commented that the tree looked rather sparse this year as I did not let the kids put on every ornament we own. He seemed to think that was a bad thing. . .

Yoda seems quite happy with how things are looking.
All birds need scarves to keep them warm here on the Canadian prairie.
This came from bits of leftover greens we used for our garden club meeting, the apples I saved from a centerpiece mom bought me a few years ago and the glittered pine cones Tamara brought to our house for our 25Th anniversary 2 years ago.

I tend to move stuff around at Christmas. It is the only way to make the tree fit in the living room. Some things leave and others come back. The black side table spent most of last year outside as it lost a few screws and is quite wobbly. All it needed was a bit of wire and Voila! Only a little bit wobbly!
Decorating came be simple. A little evergreen stuffed in a vase with a candle says Christmas without a lot of fuss.
A gift from mom last year. Doesn’t it make you think of Narnia? I love it!
Note the artificial poinsettia flowers nestled in the greens.
Another item brought inside. The glass tends to rattle when Henry walks by, so he will only put up with it for so long. . . It will probably make it through Christmas though.
Don’t you love the colour on this one?
I won this beautiful metal planter at Henry’s Christmas party last week. I couldn’t wait until spring to use it! (More artificial pointsettia flowers. . .)
Don’t these look great it this planter I got from Tamara many years ago? The sparkly curls came from her as well.
I like to decorate every room if I can.

Time to decorate the kitchen
I think this is one of my favorite vignettes. I bought the Limoges plate at a flea market.

This is another favorite

The only thing left to do is to put the lamb Morgan made in kindergarten at the top of the tree. . . I do love to decorate for Christmas!