Good morning everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great week.
I spent yesterday hanging out in bed with the fan on (what’s up with these crazy hot temps in September??) and managed to start and finish two books while I was there. Super self indulgent and just what I needed.
Of course homemakers can’t take a day off like that without having things pile up a bit so I thought I would leave you with some fun weekend reading links while I get out the duster and vacuum. I’m hoping if I work fast enough I might have time to sneak in one more book before bed.
If you’re looking for crafty inspiration . . .
A sweet fall banner from Glamorous, Affordable life.
Craftberry Bush’s Drop cloth rose tutorial
Jennifer Rizzo’s Fabulously Creative Friday Linky Party (Over 100 links to browse!)
Pretty Handy Girl’s Artist’s Inspiration board made from and old window.
and some YouTube fun . . .
A cold frame hoop house. He is using it to get an early start on the season but they work equally well for extending your season by planting cool weather crops like spinach and lettuce.
‘Cups’ a cover produced by Kurt Hugo Schneider. With Sam, Kurt, Kina and Alex.
The Piano Guys. Live at Red Butte Gardens
Victorian Kitchen garden. Episode 9. September.
Now I have to stop hopping around the web and get to work. ;D
Have a fabulous weekend.