How do frigid temperatures affect your life? I start to get rather uptight when the thermometer falls below -25C. Last night they were calling for -31C and I jumped into action. I laid out my knee high ski socks and an extra pair of warm fuzzy socks to go over them. I set out my white Sorrels (Rated to -40C) and extra warm green turtle neck. In the kitchen I got my travel mug ready to fill with piping hot hot chocolate just before I had to leave in the morning. I also set out my wheat bag hoping it would stay warm enough to keep my hands warm while the bus warmed up. ( that doesn’t happen at these temps until I’m be driving for about an hour.) Fleece lined jeans? Check. Long johns? Check. Toque? Check. Tow pairs of gloves Check. School is cancelled when it drops below -37C or -41 with the wind chill out at the International Airport. I just checked. It’s -27C and -33C with wind chill over there. So I had better bundle up and get going. Stay warm every one!