I decided I wanted to do something fun for Valentines day and make my own card for all of you.
A little digital art if you will.
Henry’s not huge on the whole Valentine’s thing. He always says everyday is Valentines day . . .
It certainly lets him off the hook romantically speaking doesn’t it?? Any hoo . . . I decided that if Valentines day was all about love it, could just as well be about the love we have for friends and family as well.
Thus my card.
I started with this picture just because I think these pigs are so darn cute. I took it while Henry and I were on a romantic weekend away so it’s an appropriate one for the occasion. (don’t forget to click on each image to get it full sized.)
A lot of experimenting and playing around and a few hours later I came up with this:
Happy Valentines to all of you! I hope your day is a beautiful one.