Henry celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago and has we have done often over the years, we celebrated with our friends Lorne and Nicole.
Nicole’s birthday is just a few weeks later than Henry’s and they are the same age. . .
So how do four middle aged friends paint the town red?
They hit Chapters when they discover the wait for a table at The Keg is over an hour.
Good thing Chapters was right next door . . .

Guess who left with a new book? hint . . . it wasn’t Nicole . . .

A little over an hour later we were ushered to our table.

Henry didn’t think I smiled wide enough . . .

Middle age has a few challenges. Reading the fine print in a menu is one of them . . .
It was no challenge to decide what to order . . . I love prime rib!

Can you believe I ate everything on this plate?!!
And then found room to share a creme brulee with Nicole???

Of course neither of us even considered this dessert.

We left that to the men!
It was such a lovely treat to dress up like a normal person and enjoy an evening out with friends.
Of course, Nicole ended up with my foot in her lap by the end of the evening as I couldn’t leave it down any longer, but . . . isn’t that what friends are for?