I visited my father-inlaw in the hospital yesterday morning. He was not having a very good day as he had to shower (with a lot of help) and this caused considerable pain in his back. He spent most of the time sleeping while I visited with my mother-inlaw. Thankfully she says he was feeling a lot better after supper that evening. We are keeping them both in our prayers.
On the way home I had to drive past Hole’s, http://www.holesonline.com/ an awesome garden center in St Albert.
I was not going to stop.
I really have to watch my pennies right now.
I told myself that I would just get out and get some inspiration for the garden I’m designing.
The first thing I saw when I stepped in the door was a display of primroses. (Uh Oh!)
Then there was an Easter display. . .
I was doing very well.
Until I crossed the threshold into the greenhouse area.
A beautiful scent filled the air. There were flowers every where.
I’ll bet none of you could have left empty handed either!

The loot.

Oh the anticipation. . .

Ooooh. . .

Ahhhhh. . .

Ohhhhhh. . .

I love primroses!

Don’t they look nice? The yellow one smells great too.

What’s this?

A begonia tuber.

I’ve never started a begonia from a tuber. I’ve always found them a little too expensive and then when spring rolls around and I want to buy potted begonias they are even more expensive and I end up not buying any at all! This year I told myself I needed to buy one so we could figure out how to do it together. Thanks for the excuse. (Ahem! I mean reason.)

You’re wondering what’s in the white bag?
Well now. . .
You are going to have to wonder a little longer. . . (evil grin.)