The iris have just started blooming!

I was given a division of this particular iris, from my friend Nicole several years ago.It has a very interesting scent, one that reminds me of the candy necklaces I ate as a kid.
Somehow, the flower smells like the candy tasted.
Odd, but true.
Blue flax, a gift from my friend Ev’s garden.

I started these ground cover plants from seed last winter and they are now blooming for the first time. I’d like to tell you what they are, but I’m not sure.

I bought the seed package at my local dollar store and it had a common name which could be one of two different plants.
It doesn’t really matter though, because I know they are hardy and pretty. What more could you need?

My daisies were started from seed my friend Jurrina’s mom brought back from Holland. You’ve got to be careful with these though, because they seed themselves all over the place!
I always leave a few because I love to have 3 or 4 flowers in a little vase in the house. It wouldn’t be summer without them.

Dianthus ‘neon flash’. These were purchased at a garden center.

Tiny flowers on the creeping thyme!
And last but not least . . .

Creeping babies breath. Also purchased from a garden center.
Now. . .
I have to go clean a pan so I can cook dinner.
I only kind of cleaned the kitchen the other day. Every pot I own is dirty.
I keep thinking it would be nice if I could afford a house cleaner for those times in the year when gardens madness takes over. The only problem is, I know I would end up cleaning the house before the cleaners came, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed to have them see what a slob I can be sometimes.
Kind of defeats the purpose though. . .
I did, however, bake a coffee cake.
It’s delicious! Especially with a cup of tea.
Which I am going to have right now, along with my (cough!) third piece of coffee cake.
Told you it was good!