* This picture has nothing to do with my post. I’m sure you’ll understand why.
I’ve started working on decluttering the house.
Crystal is moving back home in a few weeks so everything we’ve stored in her room for the last year has to find a new home.
A lot of the stuff is actually for the bathrooms. Tile, fixtures, sinks and what have you.
Henry suggested clearing out the bench area in the garage. This is where I used to store my gardening supplies before he made me my lovely potting/bike shed.
I started clearing things out.
I found lots of pots, bowls, old tools, etc.
I also found. . .
You guessed it. MOUSE POOP!!!
I ran to the house to scrub my hands, put on plastic gloves and refill my water/bleach bottle.
Shudder. . .
The mice themselves don’t bother me, but cleaning up the poop!
I sprayed all surfaces heavily with the bleach water.
Now I’m letting it sit.
I think it needs to sit until tomorrow. You know, for the best possible disinfection power.
Truthfully I’d rather not face it tonight so I think I’m just going to make a cup of tea, and take that along with my book and the shortbread cookies I made on Thursday to bed.
Henry told me that he had known about the mouse poop but decided not to tell me and let me discover it for myself!
I think he was worried I’d make him clean it up.
Two more days of school left!
Whoo Hoo!