It’s been an odd week.
Monday morning found me walking into the Cross Cancer Clinic.
It was strangely unsettling.
I had been relieved when my surgeon told me it was very unlikely that I would been called to go there and consult about further treatment.
Because going to the Cross would make me one of those people.
You know . . .
People with cancer.
People whose lives were forever changed.
And that wasn’t me. Not really. I was cancer free now . . . so it wasn’t the same.
Walking in there Monday morning for my first appointment at the Rehab department brought home to me very clearly that it is the same . . .
.I am a person who had cancer.
My life has been forever changed. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I met the nicest physiotherapist. (you have no idea how many amazing people I have met in the last few months!) It turns out this is where I will be going for both lymphodema and physio.
This visit was to assess where I am when it comes to lymphodema. There is some swelling. I will likely be trying out some types of compression stocking, although as I am not physical able to get one on yet our first focus will be on learning how to do the self massage that will hopefully aid the built up fluid in moving to areas that still have lymph nodes. I will have to do this daily. I am also going to the clinic twice a week to have someone trained in this technique to massage my leg thoroughly.
It’s a little tricky, although I am assured that once I get the hang of it I’ll be able to do it in my sleep . . .
Wouldn’t it be great if you really could do something like that in your sleep? It would save so much time . . . In the afternoon I saw my surgeon. Before I had even gotten there my drain was up to 66ml and I don’t usually add up the day’s amounts until 10 at night!! More than double the 30 I had been aiming for.
The doctor came in and asked how it was going.
I patted my drain.
“Well, good news.” she said cheerfully. “That’s coming out right now! You’re going to be free!”
“What!!” I was just a little freaked out. When a drain comes out too soon the fluid can build up in a pocket and often it needs to be drained with the aid of a needle. Not my idea of a good time!
She explained that at this point the drain would continue to run forever and that the drain itself was likely causing irritation and adding to the fluid.
The drain was coming out and we would just have to wait and see what would happen.
So far so good I think. My leg is aching as I type and that still makes me nervous. But as I spent the last two days getting back to a normal life it’s likely that the ache is more from overdoing than fluid building up in a pocket. My leg overall is swelling a bit more but that’s to be expected. (The whole thing still freaks me out . . . but that’s what prayer’s for isn’t it?)
So . . .
I had intended to do the giveaway draw tonight however. . .
Although I know lots of you read the giveaway post, very few of you actually entered, so I’m giving you all another chance.
It doesn’t matter if you are family, or already have a calender, or just dropped by for the first time, or feel that as you never comment it wouldn’t be right to do it for a giveaway. (why do you think so many bloggers have giveaways??? We want to hear from you and this is our sneaky way of getting you to do it! ;D ) Just enter! I have decided to extend the deadline for entering until this Monday at midnight or when ever I get up Tuesday morning. (because I do not want to have to figure out what time zone someone from across the country is in and whether they made it before midnight.)
The giveaways are two calenders, one wall and one desk, as well as a few surprise goodies to to keep things interesting.
You can either leave a comment on this post or go to the original one to check out all the pictures on the calender and comment there. Click here to go to the post. Not sure how to leave a comment?
At the bottom of every post you will see leave a comment or it will say how many comments there are. Click on that and it will bring you to the comment page. Type a message, making sure you give me a way to contact you should you win the giveaway. (remember, everyone can see your comment, so you probably won’t want to leave a phone number.) Leave your name in the comment and if you don’t have a Google account you can just sign in as anonymous and click on publish your comment.
Easy . . . The two winners will be announced on Wednesday morning. (as long as things go as planned. Sometimes they don’t . . .)
And because I’m always playing around with my camera ( the most likely reason my leg is aching as I couldn’t resist the hoar frost outside today.)
A few amaryllis pictures . . .

Good luck!