Going back to school can be pretty crazy and hectic for everyone, parents and kids alike! All the rushing around making sure lunches are made, back-packs are packed, and kids are ready in time to catch the bus can make even the most efficient and organized super-mom feel a little frazzled. And we can’t forget the homework, sports practice, and various other extra curricular activities that happen after school! Who really wants to make a super fancy dinner with all that going on? I know I wouldn’t! Which is why we’ve done a little research and found (and tested!) a quick and easy meal idea!
Scrolling through Pinterest counts as research, right!?
Introducing the Chicken Pot Pie Braid!
What really appealed to me about this recipe is that besides being quick it’s also a really good grab-and-go dinner, and it doesn’t make a ridiculous amount of dishes dirty so its relatively easy on the clean up! Another added bonus is that there are plenty of short cuts you can take to make it even more hassle free. For example, we used a pre-roasted chicken from the grocery store instead of cooking our own, and we used pre-shredded cheese.
I would add some salt and pepper to the filling when I make this recipe again, but I like my food to be thoroughly seasoned, so that’s just my preference!
All in all, I have to say that the simplicity and tastiness make this Pinterest recipe a winner!

Click the find recipe Here
We’d love to hear what you think of this recipe!