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The Day Amelia was Born.

Writer's picture: Rosa VeldkampRosa Veldkamp

Updated: May 14, 2020

It was 6 am. As one does, I grabbed my phone to see what might have gone on during the night.

A text from Morgan, and I had missed it!

Kim’s water had broken and they were on the way to the hospital. I texted him back and discovered they were already checked in.

I threw some clothes on and asked if I could bring them anything. “Coffee and oatmeal from Tim Horton’s please!”

Off I went, filled with excitement and joy. My first grandchild was on the way! I prayed all the way to the hospital.

After a quick hello to Morgan and Kim as I dropped things off, I went downstairs to sit with my father-in-law for a while before I went back home. He had been waking up less and less over the last few days. Henry’s youngest brother Colin was already there, keeping his dad company. We chatted quietly while his dad slept on.

Time to head home. I needed to pick my mother-in-law up from her quarterly chemo treatment. I packed my bag with the quilt I was working on, a book, some snacks and . . . at the last minute . . . my small point and shoot camera. I didn’t expect anything with the baby any time soon, things were in the very early stages. But, something said, take a camera.

I picked up Henry’s mom and brought her home. We had a lovely, peaceful lunch and sat out on the deck until we were ready to get back to the hospital to sit with dad for the afternoon. Just before leaving the house I got another text from Morgan. Things were moving fast! It looked as though the baby might be born that afternoon.

Mom and I quilted and knitted while dad slept, both of us excited at the thought that a new baby was about to join the family.

And then the text . . . .’Amelia Rose had been born at 1:30 that afternoon.’

Such joy.

I had to go home, but came back to sit with mom and dad. (And hoped I might be able to sneak a peak at my new granddaughter . . .) Colin had come while I was out and his dad had woken a bit when he got there. While he slept again, Colin, his mom and I visited.

A nurse pulled aside the curtain hiding the hallway from view.

There was Morgan with baby Amelia!

He took her out of the bassinet and put her in his grandma’s arms.

“Cor! Wake up! The baby’s here! Morgan’s baby is here!”

As mom leaned over his bed with the baby, dad woke up. And he was there. Truly present in that moment. With a big smile he reached out and touched that sweet, new life. His ninth great grandchild. After a few words to mom and then Morgan, making sure that both Kim and the baby were alright, he fell back asleep, still smiling.

There were tears that day. Tears of sorrow, yes, but mostly tears of joy as we witnessed this beautiful meeting. One of God’s children came into the world as another was preparing to leave it.

God is good.

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

We are thrilled to welcome Amelia Rose Veldkamp into our family. She is a rich blessing from the Lord.

Henry and I went back later that evening for a proper visit with Morgan, Kim and Amelia. And this time I brought my big camera!

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb…my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place” (Psalm 139: 13, 15).

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