I’ve spent all winter dreaming of a huge vegetable garden.
There is no space for a huge garden, but oh how I’ve longed for one!
I’ve searched the real estate listings for hobby farms in easy commuting distance in our price range. . .
Ha ha ha ha he he he ho ho ho!!!
I’ve wandered the neighbourhood scoping out empty lots, trying to figure out how I could contact the owners and make a deal which would have them accepting produce or fresh bread in exchange for space to garden. . .
I began to despair of finding anything that would allow my dream to flourish.
In the end however, I decided to take a leap of faith and plant as though the land would be there when I needed it.
These are my leeks. I believe there are over 200 in this tray.
And every last one of them has a place to grow. . .
I not only have one new garden space, I have just been offered a second!
And they came to us!! (Ev and I of course. . .)
Stay tuned for details!
Dreams do come true!