Yes indeed, my family and friends have managed to pry me away from my garden for the next few days.
After all, what could be better than sleeping in the back of the truck in bear country, huddling in a screen tent so as to foil the hoards of mosquitoes that have recently descended on us (I’m allergic to bug spray) and cooking supper over an open smokey fire?
Truthfully, I can think of plenty of things that are more fun, but if that’s what it takes to spend some time with good friends for a few days, then I’m game to do it.
We are camping with our good friends Lorne and Nicole and their boys, something we did annually when our kids were young (Several other families came along as well) and we all have many good memories of those days.
It was always Morgan’s birthday (this year it’s Jesse’s 18Th birthday!), it always rained, we always played golf in the dark around the campsite and the last morning’s brunch was always bush pies made with all the left over bits of food with pie filling bush pies for dessert. Yum!
Unfortunately not all the kids can make it, but most of them can and we are all looking forward to making new memories and driving a new group of campers batty as we bash golf balls from one end of the campsite to the other, each of us armed with flashlights to locate the ball that disappeared into the night.
See you when we get back!